Avient Infinite Hugger - Nylon Bonding Catalyst

PINT SIZE - Avient™ Specialty Inks Hugger Catalyst is an additive used to increase the adhesion of plastisol inks to nylon and other tightly woven materials. Hugger Catalyst is best used when printing on tightly woven nylon products such as umbrellas, bags, and jackets. *This product was previously sold under the Union Nylobond name.
- Use for Nylon wind breakers, Jerseys, bags, Banners, and other slick surfaces that plastisol struggles to adhere to.
- Works with plastisol ink which does not contain water
Hugger Catalyst is an additive which, when mixed with Union Ink Plastisol Colors, will provide adhesion to most water-proofed Nylon jackets and other garments. Extensive tests have shown that Hugger Catalyst is effective with all Union Ink Plastisols. However, the PLUS and PATH series inks give the best results with very good opacity. Tests have also shown that Hugger Catalyst works satisfactorily with most plastisols on the market.
When printing on nylon material that has been treated to repel water, the waterproofing must be Emulsion Over Mesh: see relevant PIB removed. Remove waterproofing by wiping down the print area with rubbing alcohol or acetone. Check for penetration of the waterproofing with small drops of water. The water drops will spread and penetrate the fabric if the waterproof coating is properly removed
Hugger Catalyst activates upon exposure to moisture in the air. The amount of moisture Cure: see relevant PIB exposure determines the shelf life of the mixed ink. Pot life generally ranges from 4-8 hours
Mix 10% by weight Hugger Catalyst to the plastisol by weight. To obtain a 10% addition, the following is recommended:
- To 1 qt. white add 6 oz. Hugger Catalyst
- To 1 qt. color add 4 oz. Hugger Catalyst
Hugger Catalyst can be used at 3% by weight to reduce fibrillation issues when printing on 100% cotton. The cross-linking reaction between the catalyst and ink takes approximately 48-72 hours to fully bond to the fabric. Adhesion test should be conducted after the cross-linking process is complete. Immediately after printing, remove catalyzed ink from sceens using cleaning solvents to prevent permanent mesh damage. Clean squeegees and other printing apparatus immediately after use
A Hugger Catalyst/Plastisol mixture must be cured just like regular plastisol. Curing temperatures should not exceed 285-300F (140 to 149C). Overcuring is not recommended as this may affect adhesion. Lower temperatures may be satisfactory as the Hugger Catalyst/Plastisol mixture will cross-link (but very slowly) at room temperature when catalyzed sufficiently.
If cured correctly, prints should be sufficiently dry for handling and light stacking when they exit the dryer. DO NOT TEST FOR ADHESION UNTIL 72 HOURS AFTER PRINTING. If prints do not resist scratching or digging with a fingernail, this may be an indication that insufficient Hugger Catalyst was added. The more Hugger Catalyst that is added to the ink, the faster prints will cure, but the mixture will also set up faster in the can and on the screen.
The Hugger Catalyst/Plastisol mixture should be removed from screens and squeegees as soon as possible after printing. Use Mineral Spirits or biodegradable WASH-9900 for best results.