Franmar Color Change Ink Remover

For safe and simple ink color changes. Quickly change colors on press or open clogged mesh areas during a run, saving valuable time and money. Franmar’s On Press Ink Remover is non-aerosol and replaces harsh chemicals such as Methylene Chloride without the negative side-effects and offensive odor.
- Cleans 35 Standard Silkscreens Per Quart
- Great for All Textile Screen Printing Shops
- Made with 100% American Grown Soybeans
1. Spray or pour a small amount onto screen.
2. Wipe screen clean with shop towel(s).
3. Repeat on back of screen image.
4. Wipe both sides of screen with degreaser or damp shop towel.
5. Allow screen to dry thoroughly.Note: If tape does not stick, wipe again with damp shop towel and allow to dry.
Screen Opener Directions:
1. Spray or pour a small amount onto shop towel.
2. Wipe screen image area clean.Usage Tips:
- Remember, less is better. A small amount will cause the ink to loosen.
- Works great for cleaning innk smudges on back of screen.
- Franmar's Screen Degreaser can be used to wipe away any solvent residues.
- Start with lighter inks and move up to darker inks when printing.