Saati 21-Step Screen Sensitivity Guide
Screen printers can calculate the perfect screen exposure settings for their emulsions and equipment with Saati's 21-Step Sensitivity Guide.
This is the exposure guide of choice for accuracy, ease of use and all-purpose application. With the Saati guide, there is no guesswork or complicated interpretation. It is a more precise tool than the gelatin/density type exposure calculators, and unlike competitive products, it can be used on all stencil types and all mesh counts. Competing guides are not always compatible with pure photopolymer stencils, and don't always perform as well on coarse mesh.
Saati's 21-step guide is also much smaller (1⁄2” x 51⁄4”), that it can be used on all production screens. The Saati Sensitivity guide is a film containing a transmission type density scale with 21 steps ranging from transparent to opaque. (1 = zero density. 21 = solid black.)
Place the Saati 21-Step Sensitivity guide on the screen. optimize your exposure so that when washing out the image, you are left with 7 solid steps.