Easiway EasiSolv 701 Screen Wash
- EasiSolv™ 701 dissolves all inks and ink stains quickly, allowing mesh to be rinsed clean with water.
- EasiSolv™ 701 is a low odor product, providing a more pleasant environment for employees.
- EasiSolv™ 701 contains no hazardous substances (no TLVs, no PELs) which provide a better working environment for employees.
- EasiSolv™ 701 is nonflammable (flash point of 196) which is much safer than many conventional screen washes.
- EasiSolv™ 701 contains low-foam, biodegradable detergents which contribute to superior ink and stain removal, while providing complete rinsability with water.
- EasiSolv™ 701 is not SARA (Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act) reportable which requires less solvent monitoring and paperwork.
- EasiSolv™ 701 may be applied manually; recirculated through the EasiFlo™ System; recirculated in enclosed, automatic screen washing systems; or simply used in trays or dip tanks, providing superior product life and economy.
- EasiSolv™ 701 may be applied to a wet screen for use as a stain remover, without causing damage to the mesh.
Scrape excess ink from screen, then apply EasiSolv™ 701 to the well and print side of the mesh. Scrub if necessary. Squeegee excess off screen. Using a good high pressure washer, spray-rinse the screen starting at the bottom of the well side and work up. Give good attention to the image area of the screen. Rinse the print side of the screen the same. Remove the stencil with EasiSolv™ 5, EasiSolv™ 51, EasiSolv™ 501, or EasiSolv™ 55. Follow last step with an application of EasiSolv.